When I first heard of Manhappenin' Magazine, I was attending a meeting as a photographer for K-State's newspaper, The Collegian. During that meeting, I learned about the other student publication: a lifestyle magazine featuring beautiful photos and unique stories.
Once I got myself involved in the magazine, I knew my creativity would have few restrictions.
Manhappenin' Magazine was created by a student in 2017 and has been run solely by students ever since. Because of this, the opportunities for experience and growth are limited only by how much work and time a student is willing to dedicate.
The cover of the Fall 2019 issue, The Bare Issue.
My photo of Denzel Goolsby was chosen for the cover.
An example of the opportunities available to students through this magazine is when I signed up to photograph the sports feature for the Fall 2019 issue. Never having shot a sports story before, I was slightly intimidated initially by the assignment. The writers had little direction in mind for their story other than who was being featured and the photos were entirely my responsibility.
I pitched my idea for the story and the photos and took matters into my own hands. Team members contacted K-State Athletics and a time was scheduled to meet the player being featured (Denzel Goolsby) at Bill Snyder Football Stadium for photos. My creativity was given free rein as I shot in the empty stadium.
After photos were taken, Goolsby showed my team and I around the locker room, training rooms and recreational spaces.
Not only was I allowed to run a photoshoot with a star athlete entirely myself as a junior in college, but I was also given the rare opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at K-State Football.
The writers for the sports feature and I pose with Denzel Goolsby after
shooting photos for the article in Bill Snyder Football Stadium.
The gist of this example is that the publication is what a student makes of it. I could have easily felt intimidated by this assignment and handed it off to another photographer so I wouldn't have to stress the details. Instead, I offered my thoughts and creative ideas and was rewarded with an incredible experience that I will remember forever.
I've grown astronomically in my ability to lead, work hard and stand up for my work because of this magazine. If I want something to get done, I cannot wait for someone else to do it for me. I have to be willing to step up, influence those around me and get the job done.
My friend and I at the release party for the Fall 2019 issue.
These are the experiences I'm taking with me when I graduate: The memories of nights working until 5:30 in the morning to finish an issue produced in the midst of a global pandemic. The people I've met and friends I've made who've encouraged and challenged my work. The stories I've helped tell of people who look and think differently than myself.